



  • Albert Zomaya (University of Sydney, Australia).


  • Lizhe Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 中国)


这个新系列汇集了分析/计算/存储/管理/传输包括算法设计在内的大量数据的许多领域的无数研究活动中的主题, 数据挖掘和搜索, 处理器架构, 数据库, 基础设施开发, 服务和数据发现, 网络和移动计算, 云计算, 高性能计算, 隐私和安全, 和存储, 和可视化.

新萄新京十大正规网站 international book series on sensors


  • Nathan Ida (University of Akron, 美国)
  • Edward Sazonov (University of Alabama, 美国)
  • Wuqiang Yang (Manchester University, UK).

Fundamental to a wide range of applications in communication, 监控, 远程操作, 过程控制, 精密的安全, 机器人与自动化, 在所有部门和工业中,传感器和传感技术的使用急剧增加.

这些发展带来了新的挑战,例如对网络稳健性和可靠性的需求, security in 通信 interface and close management of energy consumption.

我们的系列书籍涵盖了广泛的传感器技术在安全领域的研究和应用, 通信, 网络, computing and information technologies, 监控, 控制与自动化, 机器人, 机器学习, 智能技术, 建筑环境与设计, 生产制造, 光学与光子学, health 监控 and clinical applications, 环境与能源, 运输, 非破坏性测试, and target tracking and landmine detection. 

SciTech book series on radar, sonar and navigation

  • 休·格里菲斯(伦敦大学学院,英国)
  • Alfonso Farina (Selex ES, Italy)
  • 西蒙·沃茨(伦敦大学学院,英国)
  • 克里斯·贝克(英国Aveillant)

本丛书, published under our renowned SciTech imprint, 跨越雷达, 射频/微波工程, 电子战, Communications and related electrical engineering disciplines.

我们的内容范围从学生和企业培训的基础和永恒的原则到行业研究实验室新萄新京十大正规网站人员的实际应用工程, 还有军队.

sciitech是世界上使用最广泛的雷达文本和参考的出版商, 机载雷达简介, 第三版,乔治·W. Stimson as well as many other text references.

新萄新京十大正规网站 book series on advances in biometrics


  • Val Moliere (Senior Consultant Commissioning Editor, The 新萄新京十大正规网站, UK).

这本书系列的目的是汇集了一个原始的和有影响力的工作,在生物识别研究从发展和增强个人生物识别模式,包括脸, 指纹, 虹膜, signature and handwriting recognition; emerging modalities using ageing factors, 步态, ear-shape and neurological pattern-based technologies; multibiometrics; soft biometrics and information fusion for identification, verification and trait prediction; human-computer interface issues for biometric 系统; usability and user-oriented design, 传感 and database technologies; implementation; system design and performance evaluation; security, trust and privacy implications; crypto系统 and biometrics-linked encryption; forensic processing and core underpinning technologies such as image analysis, 模式识别, computer vision and signal processing.

新萄新京十大正规网站 book series on 运输


  • Hironao Kawashima (Keio University, Japan)
  • Jian Ping Wu (Tsinghua University, 中国)
  • Ryan D. Lamm (Southwest Research Institute, 美国).


电动汽车的适应和接受程度的提高取决于许多相关领域新技术的发展和完善, 包括电池技术, 电力系统, 控制系统, 通信系统, steering control and lane following technology, intelligent transport infrastructure, 充电站设计, mapping 系统 and satnav technology, 车辆可靠性和安全性, vehicle security and cybersecurity, 建模与仿真, 电磁兼容问题, speed and payment enforcement 系统, 事件管理, cruise control and automated parking 系统.

Topics include vehicle design considerations, 材料技术, software engineering and reliability, 技术标准, power electronics and engine technology.

Applications include driverless ground vehicles, automated guideway transit including trains and buses, autonomous flight 系统 and drone technology, water and underwater autonomous vehicles.


The series includes monographs that offer new insights, as well as edited multi-author reviews, for instance of an application area or a technology, with authors from across the world, 包括学术界和工业界.

The 新萄新京十大正规网站 was sorry to hear of the passing of John Walker, 南安普顿大学, UK and Founding Editor of this Book Series in early 2024.



  • 乔尔·J. P. C. 罗德里格斯(INATEL,巴西)
  • Pranjal Chandra (印度n Institute of Technology BHU, Varanasi, 印度).

本丛书旨在传播电子卫生技术的最新进展, 包括移动医疗, precision and personalized medicine, 机器人, 传感, 物联网(IoT), 云计算, 大数据, 软件定义网络(SDN), and network function virtualization.

这些技术的集成与技术方面的许多复杂性相关联, 道德, 法律, 社会和安全挑战, so this is a highly cross-disciplinary series.

新萄新京十大正规网站 book series on energy engineering


  • Doug Warne (Independent Consultant, UK)
  • Marino Sforna (TERNA TSO, Italy)
  • Jan Wenske (Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy System Technology, Germany)
  • Qinglai Guo (Tsinghua University, 中国)
  • Saad Motahhir (SMBA University, Morocco)


  • Chunmei Ban (University of Colorado, 美国)
  • Pål-Tore Storli (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
  • Vasilis Fthenakis (Columbia University, 美国)
  • Frede Blaabjerg (Aalborg University, Denmark).

该系列提供以研究为主导的书籍,包括科学和技术的各个方面,这些方面支撑着现代科技的发展, 低排放能源系统.


The series includes monographs that offer new insights, as well as edited multi-author reviews, with authors from across the world, 包括学术界和工业界. 

Topics covered in this series include generation of electrical energy and heat, 可再生能源, 转换和存储, 传输与分配, 智能电网和微电网, 电能质量, power 控制系统 and power electronics, electric power applications and electrical 机器, 还有闪电.

The series will become a valuable library resource for many years, with readers including researchers in both universities and industry.

新萄新京十大正规网站 international book series on multimedia information processing and security


  • Amit Kumar Singh (National Institute of Technology Patna, 印度)
  • Stefano Berretti (University of Florence, Italy).

多媒体的处理一直是一个活跃的研究领域,在社交网络上的安全多媒体内容的应用, 数字法医, 数字影院, 教育, 安全的电子投票系统, 智能医疗, 汽车应用程序, 军事, 保险及其他.

The advent of 物联网(IoT), 信息物理系统(cps), 机器人技术以及个人和可穿戴设备现在为多媒体社区提供了许多接触和发展协同作用的机会.


We will review a broad scope to identify challenges, solutions and new directions.

新萄新京十大正规网站 book series on advances in distributed computing and blockchain technologies


  • 玻雷吉B. 古普塔(台湾亚洲大学)
  • 你牛. Nguyen (Kennesaw State University, 美国).


Blockchains show riveting features such as decentralization, 可验证性, 容错, transparency and accountability.

The technology enables more secure, 透明的, and traceable scenarios to assist in distributed applications.

我们计划提出专门为物联网(iot)等转型领域实施的区块链技术的技术方面。, 边缘计算, 雾计算, 无线传感器网络(WSNs), 点对点网络, 移动边缘计算, 以及其他用于现实世界的分布式网络范例,增强和发展分布式计算和系统的未来应用.

新萄新京十大正规网站 book series on future manufacturing and design engineering


  • Thomas Bohné (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Stefan Dimov (University of Birmingham, UK)
  • Jeremy Hadall (Cranfield University, UK)
  • Rajkumar Roy (City University, UK)
  • Dirk Shaefer (University of Lincoln, UK)
  • Fengqi You (Cornell University, 美国).


它将需要过程控制,以保证这些计划的执行将产生符合规格的产品, and this will necessitate the invention of new materials, 化学物质, 设备, 系统, 流程, 机器, 设计和工作方法,以及新的社会结构和商业实践.

本丛书 covers all these areas, as well as advances in AI and 机器学习, 新的网络基础设施, new approaches for mathematical and computational modelling, 新动态和控制方法应用于制造和产品设计.

未来的设计和制造将以数字化转型和向生命周期/可持续方法的过渡为主导, 在理想的情况下, 这些将同时发生.

ACES series on computational and numerical modelling in electrical engineering


  • 安德鲁·彼得森教授佐治亚理工学院, 美国

本系列的卷将包括数值技术在电气和电子系统中的发展和应用, 包括所有频率范围内的电磁现象建模,以及与之密切相关的声学和光学分析技术. 

其范围包括计算在工程设计和优化中的应用, as well as the application of commercial modelling tools to practical problems. 

该系列将包括高级本科和研究生教育的标题, research monographs for reference, and practitioner guides and handbooks.
